In wintertime, harsh winds and cold, dry air challenge our skin's natural suppleness. So at this time of year it is essential to support our natural defenses with hydration, creams and oils. Our skin is the only organ (and the largest) that can take nutrition topically and so we need to feed it on a continual basis.
Your morning routine is your friend! A few splashes of cold water~yes, cold water, followed by a hydrosol to tone and hydrated, then Rose Calendula Cream or Food On Your Face oil to nourish, will give your skin a healthy glow.
We all love long, hot showers in winter, but they can wash away our natural oils. But there's nothing more enjoyable than a long, hot bath with wonderful salts, and scents! Adding salts, including Epsom salts, and essential oils will give your body added magnesium and other minerals, crucial for muscle, nervous system and many cellular bodily functions. Why not follow with magnesium body butter?
In both instances, after care to restore skin's natural lustre will give you time to celebrate your body, health and happiness. As winter brings us short days, long nights and cool temperatures~take time to nurture~